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Farfield Primary and Nursery School

Year 5 - 2024-25 - 5B, 5D

Curriculum Letter January 2025

Curriculum showcase - Autumn 2

Look at our learning - Autumn 2

A visit from our local Firefighters


Today we had a visit from members of the West Yorkshire Fire and Safety team. The firefighters who are part of Odsal Green Watch from Odsal Fire Station came to talk to us about fire safety. They told us about all the jobs they did as firefighters, then they talked about how we could keep ourselves safe in our homes.
We learnt about prevention: using electrical products safely and not overusing plugs; using the correct charger for your phone and charging it on a flat surface and using candles safely, away from curtains and other flammable materials.
They showed us how quickly a fire can spread. They told us about smoke alarms and how it is important to have them fitted to each floor of our homes and to test them regularly to make sure they are working.
A safe bedtime routine is to: shut all internal doors; keep stairs and escape routes clear; keep a phone and your keys in an accessible place; unplug non-essential devices; make sure your oven is off and makes sure cigarettes and candles are all extinguished.

Curriculum Letter November 2024

Curriculum showcase - Autumn 1

Look at our learning - Autumn 1

Curriculum Letter September 2024

What Year 5 will be learning this year

We are Year 5
