
Our Governing Body
Note from the Chair of Governors
I am delighted to welcome you to the Governing Body's section of our school's website, we hope that it gives you a flavour of our vibrant and happy school and a taste of the facilities, activities and ambiance that we offer. As Chair of Governors, I am extremely proud of our school and the strong body of Governors who work closely with the head and her Senior Management Team to ensure that pupils enjoy a positive and high quality educational experience during their time at Farfield Primary and Nursery School.
All the members of the Governing Body are dedicated to improving and building upon the excellent learning and teaching within the school. We do this by constantly supporting and challenging the Management and staff.
Governors bring many skills and experiences to their role in supporting, promoting and protecting the interests of the school, its pupils and its staff and are an important link between the school and its local community.
Our Governing board, along with all other Governing boards, no matter what type of schools or how many schools they govern, have three core functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
The Governing Body consists of members of the teaching staff, the Head teacher, elected parent members, Local Education Authority Representatives and other members of our local community.
We aim to provide support the school by providing a range of perspectives alongside those already provided by the professionals employed at Farfield Primary and Nursery School. Curriculum policy is based upon a firm belief in equality of opportunity and we aim to ensure that all the children have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum as set out in this school handbook and in accordance with legal requirements.
We aim to work with the school and the local community to provide a happy and stimulating environment, where children value themselves and others and where learning and growth can flourish.
Ms B Birring
Chair person: Ms Baljit Birring (email :
Parent Governors:
Ms Susan Gott (Vice Chair), Mr Adam Syrop
Staff Governor:
Mrs Katie Bentley
Co-opted Governors:
Ms Baljit Birring (Chair), Ms Sue Gott, Mrs Clare Mulholland
Local Authority Governor:
Mr Gareth Baterip
Head teacher: Mrs Sarah Nichols
Clerk to Governors: Mandy Simmons
There are 3 committees who discuss and agree upon specific topics delegated by the Full Governing Body.
These are :
Finance and Resources Committee
Pay Committee
School Improvement Committee
My name is Baljit Birring, I joined the governing body as a co-opted governor in 2019 and I am the Chair of Governing Body. I have been a school governor at primary and secondary schools in Kirklees and Bradford for nearly 25 years. I was bought up in Coventry but moved to Yorkshire when I started my first teaching job at Buttershaw High School. I believe education transforms lives. All children and young people regardless of their backgrounds are entitled to the best education. I bring a rich and extensive expertise in working in the field of school improvement and equality, diversity and inclusion which I have developed through a wide-ranging experience working in schools, with schools, with local authorities and local and national organisations. I currently work at Advance HE. I have a relentless commitment, changing what’s normal, championing equality and diversity to improve outcomes for children and young people and staff. I am so proud of the achievements of staff and pupils, and I look forward to supporting the school to be even better.
My name is Sue Gott and I've been a Parent Governor for a number of years now. As a working parent I found it hard to find out what was happening in school and saw the parent governor role as a great way to get involved and to find out more. The dedication from staff and Mrs Convery is inspiring and gives me reassurance that our children and their education is their absolute focus. It’s a great opportunity to give something back as well as staying in the loop about what’s happening in and around school. I'm really proud of Farfield and what it has achieved over recent years. I’ve learnt new skills, many of them being transferable into my own role and vice versa. In my day job, I work for Yorkshire Water as an Operational Manager where I'm responsible for the day-to-day management of their Contact Centre and delivering great customer service.
My name is Gareth Baterip and I am the Local Authority Governor at Farfield Primary and Nursery School. I have only recently joined the Governing Body but have some years of experience having served as a Governor at my own children's Primary School. In the short space of time I have been involved, it is clear that all the staff and Governors at Farfield are passionate about seeing the Farfield children succeed. There is a strong sense of community and a real ambition that children leave Farfield ready for the next stage in their education. I hope, in my role as LA Governor, I can support this mission. In my professional life I am the Headteacher of another Bradford based Primary School. I absolutely believe that children in Bradford deserve the best!
My name is Clare Mulholland. I’ve worked in education for 12 years, starting as a year 6 teacher then moving into leadership after 5 years of being in the classroom, firstly as an Assistant Head and now as Deputy Head at Westbourne Primary School. I’ve worked in three of the Priestley Academy Trust schools and gained a variety of experience and skill from each setting. Now as Deputy Head (and aspiring to be a Head Teacher), I would like to further develop my skill set by experiencing and contributing effectively to a governing body. Farfield Primary & Nursery School will bring further insight into good practice and experience of a different setting for me and in return I would love the opportunity to contribute to the continuing development and excellent work already taking place at your school.
My name is Adam Syrop – I’m a local dad of 3 (now all 11+). All three of my children attended Farfield Primary and Nursery School. I work for ‘Impact Gamers’, a BAFTA award winning community group. One of my passions it to make things, and I love to see children realise their potential.
My name is Katie Bentley. I have taught in Buttershaw for over 16 years. I joined Farfield as a Newly Qualified Teacher in 2008 and I’m now one of the Deputy Heads. During my time at Farfield, I have been Art, Maths, Assessment and KS2 Lead. All of my teaching at Farfield has been in KS2, mostly in Year 6. I am the Staff Governor at Farfield where I represent the staff of the school and also bring my professional experience and knowledge to the Governing Body. I am proud to work at Farfield Primary and Nursery School. I believe that ‘Farfield Children Can’ and feel lucky that I am able to play a part in helping our children realise their potential.
My name is Sarah Nichols. I am the mum to four amazing children and I am the Headteacher of Farfield Primary and Nursery School. I joined the school as Deputy Head in 2009 and became Headteacher in February 2023. I am proud to lead an enthusiastic, highly motivated staff team committed to a caring, child-centred ethos. Here at Farfield we build strong partnerships with parents and the wider community so our children leave school as confident, able learners equipped with the skills and knowledge to continue their lifelong learning journey. Believing that children learn best when home and school work together for their benefit, I welcome contributions from our wider community and all they bring to the school.