After School Clubs
After School Clubs
At Farfield Primary and Nursery School we offer a range of after school clubs throughout the school year, these include:
- Arts & Crafts
- Book club
- Crafts and Competitions
- Dance
- Football
- Multi Sports
Clubs are rotated throughout the year.
At the end of each term a letter is sent home informing parents of available clubs for the following term. The form must be completed and returned to the office before the deadline. The office staff then put together a list which is then passed to the member of staff that runs the club and they place children on the club or the waiting list. Lots of factors are taken into account when a child is offered a place on a club.
Unfortunately, after school clubs are very popular and not all requests can be fulfilled. If you child receives a place on a club you will receive a text message to confirm your place.
If your child misses 2 weeks of after school clubs, they may be lose their place and it will be given to another child on the waiting list. Please inform the office if your child will not be attending a club.