Year 3 - 2023-24 - 3W, 3Y
Curriculum Letter June 2024
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter April 2024
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter February 2024
Our trip to Stump Cross Caverns
In Year 3, we have been exploring the Stone Age. Our key line of enquire has been; How did early humans go from surviving to thriving? Our trip to Stump Cross Caverns was the finale of our learning on this topic and linked with both history and science. When we arrived, everyone took their torch and put on our hard hats for an underground adventure! We had a fun, action packed day in the caves with Cavewoman as we found out more about Stone Age history and how climates change. There was also the opportunity to look at and hold some real fossils, many of which were found along the Yorkshire coastline! It was a fantastic way to end our Stone Age topic.
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter January 2024
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter October 2023
3W Classroom - Mrs Weldon
Welcome to 3W. We are really excited for our new chapter in Y3 to start. In year 3 we have so much to look forward to, including learning to play the ukulele! This year our learning journey will cover Stone Age and Iron Age, Superheroes in training and Explorers and Hidden in the past - Egyptians.
3Y Classroom - Mr Yardley
It was lovely to meet all those who were able to come to our open classroom event.
Our PE days ware Tuesday (indoor PE) and Thursday (outdoor PE). Our primary method of communication is on Class Dojo - not only can yo message staff directly, this is where we showcase our amazing learning. This year our learning journey will cover Stone Age and Iron Age, Superheroes in training and Explorers and Hidden in the past - Egyptians.