Year 5 - 2023-24 - 5M, 5S
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter June 2024
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter April 2024
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter February 2024
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter January 2024
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter October 2023
5M Classroom - Miss MacKinnon
Welcome to 5M - lots of our families know me already but it was also lovely to see some new faces. 5M is taught by myself and Mrs Brierley and is supported by Mrs Kilkenny. We are also lucky enough to have Seth teach our Friday PE lesson. This year we are introducing Zones of Regulation to support children to regulate - updates will be shared on Class Dojo. Homework Projects can be found on our curriculum letter each half term which is shared both on this the year 5 page of the website and on Class Dojo.
5S Classroom - Mrs Sykes
It was lovely to meet some new parents as well as see some familiar faces. 5S is taught by myself and Mrs Dyson with the support of Mrs Khan - if there is anything you need, please message me on Class Dojo. We have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays. You can find our homework projects on our curriculum letter each half term on Class Dojo and here on the Y5 page of the website.