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Farfield Primary and Nursery School

Year 4 - 2023-24 - 4M, 4W

Look what we've been learning this half term...

Curriculum Letter June 2024

Our Royal Armouries Visit

Year 4 visited the Royal Armouries Museum as part of our Roman theme. During their first workshop, the children (and some of the adults) became Roman soldiers. Our second workshop consisted of learning about the Iceni tribe. Before looking around the museum we had to decide who we would choose to fight for - the decision was overwhelming - Farfield children would be a part of the Iceni tribe!

Look what we've been learning this half term...

Curriculum Letter April 2024

πŸŒ³πŸ‘£πŸŒ³πŸ‘£πŸŒ³πŸ‘£Our residential at NELL BANKπŸŒ³πŸ‘£πŸŒ³πŸ‘£πŸŒ³πŸ‘£


Year 4 along with Mrs Nichols, Miss McCarthy, Mrs Benson, Mrs Raper, Mrs Taylor and Mrs Doran, have had a fabulous few days at Nell Bank. We have walked in the woods, climbed the Cow and Calf, enjoyed a fish & chip supper and used our nets to do some pond dipping! A terrific (and tiring) time was had by all!

'I really enjoyed the walk to Cow and Calf.' (Isla)

'I was so excited when we found a newt!' (Maisie)

'I'd recommend for anyone to go to Nell Bank - it was a fun experience! (Layla)

Look what we've been learning this half term...

Curriculum Letter February 2024

Look what we've been learning this half term...

Curriculum Letter January 2024

Look what we've been learning this half term...

Curriculum Letter October 2023

4M Classroom - Miss McCarthy


Welcome to Year 4. I hope you have had chance to look at our curriculum letter where you will find all of the homework projects for this half term. It would be amazing if everyone could also read at least 3 times a week and practise their times tables of TT Rockstars. The children in Year 4 also go swimming each week on a Friday which is a valuable life skill. As part of our learning, we will visit Wibsey Park, Nell Bank for our Residential and also The Royal Armouries Museum. What an exciting year we have ahead of us!

4W Classroom - Miss Whaites 


Welcome to Year 4 - if there is anything I can help you with, please message me on Class Dojo! This will be a very exciting year - we have trips to Wibsey Park, Nell Bank (our residential) and the Royal Armouries Museum. WE have PE twice each week on Monday and Wednesday as well as swimming on a Friday.

Curriculum Letter September 2023
