Year 1 - 2023-24 - 1G, 1H
Curriculum Letter June 2024
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter April 2024
Our learning showcase and making bird feeders
Year 1 invited Parents and Carers into class to make a bird feeder as part of their focus on animals. The children talked about why we needed to make one, and what features it needed. They then made a list of equipment needed and then made a bird feeder with their adult or friend. Everyone took their bird feeder home with them and are looking forward to seeing the bird’s enjoying the food.
'We had lots of fun making a bird feeder together, we can't wait to hang to in our garden and watch the birds feed.🙂' (Zara's mum)
'Me and Logan enjoyed making the bird feeder - he had fun putting the seeds in.' (Logan's mum)
'Arlie-Joe loves having me come to class for sessions. He said this way he can show me his class!' (Arlie-Joe's mum)
'Mummy and Jaxon enjoyed making a bird feeder in class together.' (Jaxon's mum)
'I personally loved it, amazing quality time to see what they do in class. Brilliant.🙂' (George's mum)
'Junior was very excited for me to come into school. He was enthusiastic to make the feeder. I love being able to come in and do things.' (Junior's mum)
'It was really nice to be able to build the bird feeder with my child in school.' (Harley's mum)
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter February 2024
Our visit to Tropical World
This week, as part of our learning about Animals, Year 1 went to Tropical World.
The children got to see lots of different animals from around the world in habitats recreated to be similar to those in the wild.
The children were so excited and enthusiastic, especially when we were trying to spot the animals who were very well camouflaged in their homes. The delight on children's faces as they walked around looking at the different animals and plants they have never seen before was wonderful!
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter January 2024
Our Reading Party!
Our big question this term is, 'How do we celebrate?'. During RE, we decorated the corridor and in English we all wrote an invitation to come to a Reading Party! Lots of parents, carers and grandparents came to share a book with us. At the end of our party, everyone listened to a story with the teacher, while a 'fire' was roaring on the big screen.
Here is what some of our grown ups thought about our Reading Party:
Zara's mum, 'We loved reading stories together in Zara's classroom.'
George's mum, 'It has been lovely to see the children engaging in the books in school.'
Hannabel's mum, 'It was a great experience, she was really excited when she saw me.'
Jaxon's mum, 'We enjoyed reading time together.'
Harley's mum, 'It's been good to be able to come to school and read with my child.'
Izara's family, 'She really enjoyed reading the books with her brother Isaac. Thank you for organising this Reading Party.'
Thank you to all of our Farfield Families who were able to come and join our Reading Party!
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter October 2023
1G Classroom - Miss Green
In Year 1, the children take part in a mixture of whole class lessons, group work and time to play in provision. Each day we start with Phonics and end with a story, with many different lessons in between. The children have English and Maths inputs everyday too. A lot of our learning is practical and we record more as the weeks go on throughout Year 1.
1H Classroom - Mrs Hussain
In Year 1, we have daily Phonics, Maths and English lessons. Throughout the rest of the day, children also have opportunities to explore the resources and learn independently. To begin with lots of our learning is practical - learning becomes more formal as we move through the year.