Nursery 2023-24
Curriculum Letter June 2024
Look what we've been learning this half term...

This half term we are learning about mini beasts! We have sorted them into groups and made our own using a variety of materials.
We are also learning about our local area and where we live. We will be making our own maps, too!
Curriculum Letter April 2024
Spring Term Stay & Play
A small selection of photos from our Stay & Play sessions from the Spring Term. Our families and carers were able to join in with our play, some creative activities, construction and with Oscar's myHappymind story tray.
Thank you to everyone who has joined us to share in their children's learning.
Here are a few things our parents and carers had to say:
'The stay & play session was great, it was lovely to see all the different activities the children get to do whilst at nursery, it was also nice to see the wonderful relationships between the children and all the staff.'
'Grayson's grandparents loved stay and play and said they hope to do it again!'
'Thank you! I found the stay & play session really welcoming and relaxed. Jasmine loved telling we what we were going to play with next - thank you.'

Curriculum Letter February 2024
Look what we've been learning this half term...
Curriculum Letter January 2024
Autumn Term Stay & Play
Just a small selection of photos from our Stay & Play sessions from the Autumn Term. Our topic focus has been celebrations - from Diwali to Fireworks to Remembrance to name just a few - we have had so much fun in Nursery!
Thank you to everyone who has joined us to share in their children's learning.
Here are a few things our parents and carers had to say:
“Loved coming to the Stay and Play session today, very friendly and relaxed atmosphere.” Jasmine’s mum.
“It was a pleasure to come and see where my daughter attends at Farfield Nursery. Every member of staff in the setting is amazing and my girl was so happy and proud to show me where she plays and learns! Made to feel welcome, so many different activities to choose from, and story time at the end was fab! Loved how the children were asked questions throughout the book to ensure they understood the story being read. Thank you for looking after my girl. She loves Nursery!” Neave’s mum.
“Thank you for letting us come and visit. It was lovely to see all the activities that are on offer for the children to do and to see them all playing together.” Grayson’s mum.
“I enjoyed my little visit to Nursery (wish I was a toddler again!). It was nice to see all the kids just having so much fun. I just wanted to say I think all you teachers are amazing, so caring, kind, thoughtful, patient and understanding. You do an amazing job helping kids grow and you make learning fun.” Emily’s mum.
Curriculum Letter October 2023
Nursery Classroom - Miss Partington
Our Nursery is provision based and we learn through play.
We cover the 7 areas of learning: Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
During their time in Nursery, children will learn key skills including turn-taking, listening and resilience, as well as developing their early reading, writing and maths skills.
We have a NEW outdoor area that has provided us with so many opportunities to enhance learning; plus we still have some things to add to it!