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Farfield Primary and Nursery School

FARFIELD CHILDREN CAN be published authors!

Last year, Year 4 wrote some fabulous diary entries linked to our English text Escape From Pompeii. We entered them into a competition to be published. Happily, a huge 30 of them were selected to be published! We are very proud of our Farfield authors showing us all that Farfield children can!!

Congratulations Harris, Callum, Zidaan, Oliver, Jessica, Poppy, Sophie, Kason, Kayden, Isobel, Hanani, Umayah, Casey, Shaheer, Scott, Jacob, Kaytee, Bobby, MeganW, Brooke, Amber, Beau, Josephm Layla, Sofia, Brianna, MeganS, Mason and Mathew!

