FARFIELD CHILDREN CAN be Happiness Heroes!
Farfield Primary & Nursery School are proud to introduce you to our Happiness Heroes.
This is an exciting initiative from myHappymind. Our Happiness Heroes are a team of children who are our school's myHappymind Ambassadors. They lead the way in helping their fellow pupils look after their own mental health. Our Happiness Heroes all proudly wear their special myHappymind badge so everyone knows who they are!
Their first task was to share their opinions of myHappymind, this is what they said:
What do you enjoy about myHappymind?
‘I enjoy happy breathing, it helps if you are in the red or yellow zone.’ Millie-Grace (Y5)
‘It helps when you feel stressed or angry, it helps me to go back to the green zone.’ Casey-Leigh (Y5)
‘It helps you to learn things about your brain.’ Andre (Y6)
Do you use some of the strategies outside the lesson?
‘I use them when my siblings are annoying me – they’re in Reception and Y2.’ Andre (Y6)
‘I use finger breathing when people get on my nerves.’ Kaytee (Y5)
‘I was upset when my pet died so I used some finger breathing then.’ Kason (Y5)
Do you ever talk about myHappymind at home?
‘I remind my brother at home what we’ve learnt about the brain.’ Ernie-Joe (Y4)
‘I tell my family what I have learnt on a Monday.’ Kason (Y5)
‘I told my parents about what we’d been learning and that I’m a Happiness Hero!’ Andre (Y6)