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Farfield Primary and Nursery School

FARFIELD CHILDREN CAN identify their Character Strengths and Celebrate them.

Throughout the second half term of 2023, all of our children have completed the 'Celebrate’ module of myHappymind. This module teaches the children to understand what their unique character strengths are and how these can be celebrated. The module is a fantastic way to help build the children’s self esteem.


Our Happiness Heroes Albert, Kaytee, Jaycie, Lola, Melody, Millie, Andre, Casey-Leigh, Kason & Ernie-Joe visited our KS2 classes and to ask them about Celebrate Brain module, this is what they said:

What have you learnt during the Celebrate Module?

‘I’ve learnt my mind can be less afraid and happier.’ – Faris Y3

‘I’ve learnt hew strategies to help me calm.’ – Poppie Y3

‘When you learn something over and over it creates new pathways called neuroplasticity.’ – Noah Y3

‘We have different character strengths but we don’t all have the same ones.’ – 3W

‘To celebrate myself and be less insecure.’ – Divina Y5

What are your top Character Strengths?

‘Love and kindness.’ – Olivia Y3

‘Love of life and our world.’ – Iiona Y3

‘Exploring and learning.’ – Blake Y4

‘Bravery and teamwork.’ – Skyla Y4

‘Teamwork, exploring and learning.’ – Lily Y5

When have you used your strengths?

‘Last week I was honest with Mr Yardley about something I’d done wrong.’ – Poppie Y3

‘I used my colouring book to calm down when I was angry and it worked.’ – Noah Y3

‘I’ve had to use my teamwork skills in PE.’ – Audrey Y4

‘When my baby brother was falling down the steps, I used kindness.’ – Joey Y4

‘I used leadership when I was talking to my football team at the weekend.’ – Ben Y5
