Y4 Residential to Nell Bank
The children in year 4 very much enjoyed the annual residential trip to Nell Bank.
They took part in lots of team building activities including:
Crossing the river: During this activity, children had to work together to cross the river using blocks without falling in. Eventually, all of the children crossed the river safely.
The Hula Hoop Challenge: The children worked together in groups to put their whole body through the hula hoop in the quickest time possible. After their first attempt, they magpied strategies from other group to make sure they improved their time on their next go.
The drainpipe challenge: This challenge proved a bit tricky for the children. The aim was to use a selected number of drainpipes to get a ball into a bucket without dropping in. The children had to be quick and develop strategies together to complete this game.
On the second day, the children completed a 6 mile walk through Ilkley Town Centre, across Ilkley Moor to the Cow and Calf and back to Nell Bank. They did stop for ice cream on the way back as a reward.
They also embarked on a woodland walk where the children explored the extremely muddy woods to learn about the different types of trees. Finally they tried their hand at pond dipping using nets to find mini beasts in the water. They were lucky enough to find 3 newts!
As you can see, amazing time was had by all!