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Farfield Primary and Nursery School

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Look at what we have been up to!

  • Goodbye & Good luck

    Fri 21 Jul 2023

    Today was the last day of term and the last day at Farfield Primary & Nursery School for our Year 6 children. 

    This week you've made us laugh, you've made us cry, but most of all you always make us proud.

    Enjoy your next adventure and show the world that FARFIELD CHILDREN CAN!

  • Our Y4 Published Poets

    Tue 18 Jul 2023

    This year, Y4 took part in the Young Bradford Poets Project in association with the National Literacy Trust. We now have 10 published poets!

    We are really proud of all 60 of the children who became Farfield poets. A special well done to all those children whose work was chosen.


  • 100% Attenders 2022-23

    Mon 17 Jul 2023

    A huge well done to Ben, Mathew, Grace, Beau, JJ, Millie, Phoebe, Oliver, Antony and Michael who all reached the GOLD stars on our attendance board by coming to school on time every day in 2022-23.

    Achieving 100% attendance isn't an easy thing to do - well done guys!

  • Summer Attendance Winners

    Mon 17 Jul 2023

    A huge congratulations to Acer and Ethan who were the 2 winners of our ATTNEDANCE PRIZE for the Summer Term!
    Both Acer and Ethan had their name in the draw to win a shopping trip to buy a new bike, complete with helmet and lock.
    There have been over 600 name children throughout the year who have had their name in the draw. 
    Well done to all those who have tried hard to attend on time every day!
    The challenge starts again in September. Remember - every day really does count!

  • Y6 SHOUT Passing Out Parade

    Mon 17 Jul 2023

    Over the last 6 weeks some children in Year 6 and Miss Goodwin have attended the West Yorkshire Fire Service's SHOUT program. This course aims to develop confidence, resilience, teamwork and determination as well as introduce children to aspects of the fire service.


    Today was the passing put parade and everybody completed the course successfully. We are all extremely proud of what they have achieved. Members at the fire station commented on their resilience and positive attitudes.


    Well done everyone! 

  • myHappymind - Relate & Engage - what our children think

    Fri 14 Jul 2023

    The children have now completed the forth module of myHappymind – Relate, and the fifth and final module of myHappymind – Engage. Miss Mann met with some of our KS2 Happiness Heroes to discuss some of the things they had learnt and hear their thoughts about it.


    We asked what they had learnt through the Relate sessions, here are some of the things they said:

    If you learn to relate, you are being even kinder to people so if they’re upset, you can understand and help.’ (Casey Y4)

    When you relate it can help because if you’re talking to a person it help’s them understand better about themselves and you understand better about them too.’ (Jaycie Y5)


    We asked the children how they use their character strengths in friendship, here are some of the things they said:

    I show love and kindness. If you give kindness to others, they’ll be your friend and if you show love you can share appreciation and gratitude to them, by giving your attention with love and care you make your friendship stronger.’ (Casey Y4)

    It’s important to use character strengths in friendship – if you use teamwork in friendship then you’ll become closer.’ (Millie Y4)

    If you have similar character strengths you’re more likely be friends. But if you like comedy and someone else likes creativity, then you could create something funny together- some different character strengths work well together too you see.’ (Andre Y5)


    We asked the children to explain what active listening is and why it’s important, here is what Naomi said:

    ‘Active listening means to look at who is speaking and take in what they say, and then you can ask questions if you’re unsure of what they’re saying or what they are meaning.’ (Naomi Y6)


    We asked what they had learnt through the Engage sessions, here are some of the things they said:

    To stop, think and check what things look like from other people’s point of view. You can stop if you get in an argument and see things through their eyes because things might look different to them.’ (Albert Y5)

    I have learnt that the stop and think really helps because you can stop before an argument if something is going on and consider things from other person’s point of view and not make it worse and start to get rude with each other.’ (Willow Y6)

    ‘Engage taught me that when you think that someone’s got a problem and you don’t think it’s that bad, when you look through their eyes, it might mean much more to them than you realised.’ (Andre Y5)


    We asked the children why they thought goal setting was important, here is what Jaycie said:

    Because they help you know what you can and can’t achieve, if you set a goal and you can’t reach it then you might start by setting a smaller goal and then a slightly bigger goal and then a slightly bigger one and a slightly bigger one – small goals help you get to your big one.’ (Jaycie Y5)


    We asked the children how they think perseverance can help, here are some of the things they said:

    If you’re trying to get to a goal and you can’t do it yet, it means you’re still trying and taking steps of smaller goals to build up until you can achieve your goal.’ (Naomi Y6)

    ‘Because with perseverance, you’re not giving up no matter how many people tell you can’t do it, you know in your head that you can do it by yourself – if you give up you won’t learn and won’t get to your goal.’ (Andre Y5)


    We asked the children what goals they had set for themselves this year, here are some of the things they said:

    To have at least one golden ticket, even though I haven’t had one yet this year, I’m going to set it again for year 5.’ (Millie Y4)

    ‘I aimed to get good SATs results and I did and I’m proud of them.’ (Naomi Y6) ACTUALLY NAOMI'S SCORES WERE AMAZING!

    ‘To get a pen licence – I keep aiming for this.’ (Jaycie Y5)

    ‘I’m trying to win a trophy with my rugby team.’ (Andre Y5)


    We asked the children if they enjoyed their myHappymind sessions, here are some of the things they said:

    I really enjoy them because I really like to learn different things about the brain that we didn’t know already’ (Andre Y5)

    ‘Yes, because when I first started mHm I had no clue what it was and now that we’re almost at the end of it, I know all the characters and what we’ve done in the different modules.’ (Millie Y4)

    ‘I like mHm because it brings back really good memories about your brain and you get to learn different character strengths – I have love and kindness.’ (Casey Y4)

    ‘I’ve enjoyed mHm because I’ve learnt what actually goes on in your head and why you think certain things.’ (Naomi Y6)

  • Road Safety

    Wed 12 Jul 2023

    Children across school from Years 1-6 have taken part in Road Safety workshops over the last couple of days.

    Year 1 and 2 had a reminder about road safety. That they should hold hands with an adult, find a safe place to cross, stop, look, listen and think as they cross the road carefully. Everyone got a sticker with all these reminders on too.

    Year 3 headed out to Reevy Crescent to practise crossing the road safely.

    The older children heard stories of how being distracted when crossing the road by the shouts of friends or by their mobile phones can put them in serious danger.

    Remember: STOP, LOOK, LISTEN & THINK!

  • Y3 trip to Leeds Museum

    Tue 04 Jul 2023

    During our trip to Leed Musem we Y3 too part in an Ancient Egypt workshop. The children had the opportunity to see a real mummified body! They had to work in groups to find out key information about who he was and what he did for a living. They also explored the mummification process and had ago themselves! 
